Halloween Treats for the Troops

by Squadron 283 Editor on October 17, 2013

Update from Neal Conners…

Our new Platoon consists of 20 male US Army soldiers deployed from Wisconsin to Afghanistan until approximately April, 2014. They live in tents, have non-potable water for showering, and have 110V generated power. They are a maintenance platoon that works round the clock and their duties can include vehicles, weapon systems, and night vision equipment repairs. There is a Chow Hall with limited hours and a very small PX store with limited items.

Nicky Casalenuovo and I sent out the first batch of boxes that included some Halloween candy and decorations, several of their requested items and the cards/notes of support that were written at the last meeting:

Halloween Treats For Our Adopted Platoon

Thank you for all the donations and your continued support.


Neal Conners

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