February 2013 Adopt A Platoon Update

by Squadron 283 Editor on February 26, 2013

Neal Conners and Nicky Casalenuovo with St. Patrick's Day Supplies for Platoon 9 Neal Conners and Nicky Casalenuovo with St. Patrick’s Day Supplies for Platoon 9

At the end of January we sent our platoon 9 boxes with snacks, candy, toiletries, games, soups, coffee, drink mix, spices, condiments and more. A few of the boxes were Valentine’s Day themed. We are getting ready to send off some St. Patrick’s Day themed packages which will include all types of “green” items. We will follow up with some Easter-themed packages in the near future and will include some cards/notes from several Saint Monica Catholic High School students.

Neal Conners

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