• Commander: Kelly Hornbaker • 1st Vice-Commander: Tom Yaeger
• 2nd Vice Commander: Jim Yocum • Finance officer: Brian Conners
• Adjutant: Greg Frost • Historian: Rich Wilken Asst. Frank Wiley
• Sgt-at-Arms: Charles Curtis, Jr. • Past Commander: Grant Ivey
• Chaplain: Kelly Hornbaker • SAL Advisers: Lee Barksdale/Bob Ryan
Executive Committee Members
Bill Bliss – 3 Kelly Hornbaker – 3 Kevin Niles – 1
Andy Mazzarella – 1 Charles Curtis – 2 Frank Wiley – 2
My Note – Happy New Year!!! I truly hope that everyone had a great holiday season and have had the opportunity to spend time with the ones that you love. 2012 was a year packed with Joy and Sorrow and it is now our chance to make a choice to make 2013 a fantastic year. Our duty as Sons of the American Legion is to stay focused on our goals to help veterans and our community and to make a difference in the lives of the people we help.
Our Next Meeting – Mark your calendars for our regular monthly meeting on Thursday January 17th, , 2013. Keep in mind that most of our meetings are on the 3rd Thursday of the month, unless otherwise stated. This should be a great meeting with another guest speaker; details to follow via email.
What we are doing – Let’s give Charles Curtis a big shout out to say Thank You for all of his hard work as our super shopper and thanks to Ed Pellegrini for all of his work to find some veterans that were in need at SMC.
SONs Support – We’ve done some good things in the past, but let’s not look back and say we did that, let’s look to the future and say this is what we are going to do. Then we need to get the ball rolling on the things that we dedicate ourselves to doing and get them done.
Bring a new member to next meeting…Thank a Vet for their Service…See you around the Post.
Submitted by: Kelly Hornbaker – Squadron 283 Commander
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