July/August 2012 Sons Bulletin

by Squadron 283 Editor on July 15, 2012



• Commander: Kelly Hornbaker   • 1st Vice-Commander: Tom Yaeger

• 2nd Vice Commander: Jim Yocum   • Finance officer: Brian Conners

• Adjutant: Greg Frost   • Historian: Rich Wilken Asst. Frank Wiley

• Sgt-at-Arms: Charles Curtis, Jr.   • Past Commander:  Grant Ivey

• Chaplain: Kelly Hornbaker   • SAL Advisers: Lee Barksdale/Bob Ryan

Executive Committee Members

Bill Bliss – 3   Kelly Hornbaker – 3   Kevin Niles – 1
Andy Mazzarella – 1   Charles Curtis – 2   Frank Wiley – 2


My Note – As the new Commander of Squadron 283, I wish to start by saying “Thank You” to Grant Ivey for the great year we had with him as our Commander. He coordinated numerous events with his connection to the Navy League and guided our Squadron on a steady course. I’m determined to continue  making the Sons of the American Legion, Squadron 283, a great group of men that are dedicated to helping our Veteran’s, our current military  members and our community.  Thank you for your support and let’s all work together to have a great year.

Our Next Meeting – Please mark your calendars for our regular monthly meeting on Thursday July 19th, 2012. Keep in mind that our meetings are always the 3rd Thursday of the month, unless otherwise stated. Please note that there is no meeting or the month of August, 2012. This should be a great meeting with another guest speaker—details to follow via email.

SONs Living History Program continues a success – Just to give you an example of the some of our recent guest speakers.  We heard stories from the Legion s 2nd Vice, Dave Borgeson, a Helo pilot in Vietnam, Richard Shafer, Vietnam medic and POW, Charles Bruda a B-17 gunner shot down over Europe and a POW, 1st Vice Commander Kurt Hiete, Vietnam river boat patrol, Chief of Police (Santa Monica) Al Venegas, USCM, about the Military s discipline to make better citizens, Arnold Spielberg and the video about WWII Burma and the air squadron and Rear Admiral Mike Shatynski about the US Navy today. These speakers share their memories from their past and you don’t want to miss these rare opportunities.

SONs Support – We continue to support our adopted Marine Platoons in Afghanistan, the US Army’s 420th Mobil Unit with Christmas gifts, our newly adopted squadron, The Sun Kings MWR fund, Pacific Palisades Baseball Association, and other worthy Veteran and local youth organizations.

Bring a new member to next meeting…Thank a Vet for their Service…See you around the Post.

Submitted by: Kelly Hornbaker – Squadron 283 Commander

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